When I was on lds.org looking up last weeks lesson, I glanced down and saw the title for this week's lesson and couldn't wait to get started. Hence, Monday morning and already getting next week's lesson done. Plus, the baby is sleeping soundly and who knows how long that will last so I better take advantage.
A couple additions I made to this lesson:
1. The scripture in 1 Peter 2:21 - I am extending it to verse 24 to discuss these characteristics of the Savior. (words of character traits below)
2. After reading the story about Charlotte, the girls will use the handout to silently make a list of how they would personally make changes in their life if the Savior walked beside them. If time permits, we may share a few.
There are two sides to this weeks handout. The front goes with #2 above and the back goes with #3 below.
3. I saw this video this past week and loved it. It is one of my all time favorite Primary songs. If I can find a way to use the audio of it and put it to a video of youth serving others, I might do it. And really, who doesn't love a little bit of David Archuleta? My point exactly.
When I started this blog, like 2 weeks ago, I was doing it with the intention of helping other Young Women leaders when they are in a rush at the end of the week. I know that happens. But, in these few weeks I have been doing this, I have been preparing my lessons earlier in the week to get things posted early enough for others to use them, and in so doing I have been amazed by several things. I find that I keep my lesson in my thoughts throughout the week, not just at 11 pm on Saturday night. I see and feel things that I can use in my lesson everywhere I turn. I feel the Spirit more as my thoughts are on things of greater importance than the dishes in the sink or the sales at the grocery store. So, I guess what I am trying to say is, I am so grateful to have the opportunity to have the gospel in my home everyday, every moment. And I would like to encourage you to prayerfully prepare your lessons so that they can be catered to YOUR girls and THEIR needs, not just mine. It brings the Spirit not only into your life as you prepare, but also into your lessons as you present them from your heart.
I love the word Savior. There are so many areas of life where "save" has such a powerful meaning. From saving the handkerchief your grandfather brought back from France during WWII, to saving yourself for marriage, it makes something special. That is how the Savior sees each of us. As special, as worth it. I want to encourage my girls to have a personal relationship with the Savior where they feel worth it.
This is one of my favorite quotes. Knowing that the Savior really does save. That is what the Atonement is all about.
The lesson focuses on testifying of Jesus Christ. The Living Christ is such a powerful testament of Christ. This is shrunk down to 5x7 so folded in half it can fit in scriptures if they want.
The lesson calls for posting scriptures on the board. If you would prefer word strips, here are all the scriptures plus "Jesus is the Christ" (also from the lesson)