When I think back to when I was a Laurel, I can say that this was the period of my life when my testimony really began to flourish, and I would have gospel insights on my own, not just at church and seminary. The Spirit can teach so much when we are alone, so I wanted to give them the opportunity, and encourage them, to seek deeper Gospel understanding in their everyday lives. I wanted to give my girls a place where they could write down these insights, and just gospel related thoughts. So, I came up with this idea, going along with the 2012 theme, of
Shining Moments. Those moments when the truth shines through the darkness of life.
I found these journals for $2 in the cheap-o aisle at Michaels and have since learned that they are now $1!!!
I wasn't crazy about the whole key motif, so I created the label on the front, and a matching name plate for the back.
I love this scripture and I think it applies perfectly.
I had the labels and names printed at Sam's Club as 4x6's and just chopped them up.
If you would like to create your own Shining Moments books,
feel free to email me a list of your girls' names (at beckarama.blogspot.com) and I would be happy to email you a jpeg of the matching name plates. I can fit 12 names to a 4x6.
Here is the SKU if you are interested.
Hoping my girls like them!
(and Bailey, if you see this, don't tell anyone...)