
We're Moving!

So, I haven't posted here in ages...I took a break to have a baby and then got a different calling in Relief Society, so I haven't had much to do with the youth in almost a year.  Since I am still creating church based/themed designs, I thought I would just put them all in one place, along with all my "secular" (don't know if that is the right word for it) designs.  If you want to follow along, come see us at
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I'm Back! -and- April Handouts

So guess what?  I got released from Cub Scouts (yay!) and was put in as Laurel Advisor!  Wahoo!  I am so overjoyed to be back in young women's I can't even say!  So, with the new curriculum, it is a little different/difficult to prepare handouts for the lessons.  I have come up with an idea that I'm hoping others will like, and maybe think it is a good idea as well.

I was talking to my brother about the need for a new curriculum, and why the Church felt the need.  I knew it was time for a change, seeing as I was teaching the girls the same lessons I got when I was a youth a million years ago.  He told me something interesting.  He said that the youth that are now preparing for missions are not adequately prepared because they don't know how to verbally express themselves.  With the boom in technology, they are used to communicating in small snippets of information that can be sent in a text message, shared in a status update on Facebook, etc.  They don't talk to others about their feelings, let alone the gospel.  As they go off into the mission field, this is all they need to do and they can't do it!  Hence, the new curriculum.  This is why such an emphasis is being put on the girls participating in the teaching process, and giving gospel centered assignments (I am calling them S.U.H. for Spiritually Uplifting Homework).

**Just a little side note on the assignments, these are really just questions, stories and/or quotes to get the girls thinking about the topic before coming to class.

So, with that said, here is my idea...Now I know I am starting 3 months into the year, but this curriculum isn't going anywhere, so it can just roll over into next January, February, and March.

Each lesson outline is headed with a question, followed by an answer.  My thought is to have each handout be a 4x6 print of the answer to the question.  On the back of the print, I will glue a paper with the question and then lines.  These prints can be bound with rings, in sections by topic/month.  Each one will have the question, the answer, and room for the girls to write down any notes, thoughts, scripture references, etc. that they find pertinent.  Imagine what a great resource this could be as they leave on missions.  About 60 gospel related questions, with gospel centered answers, their testimonies, insights, and references right at their fingertips and the entire bound "flip chart" will fit in their scripture case.  ( I don't know about your wards, but our bishop has set an expectation that all youth will bring paper scriptures instead of their cell phones since they won't have access to digital scriptures in the field and therefore need to be able to navigate the bound scriptures with ease)

So there you have it.  Below I have links to the April answers and Questions/Lines. Bear in mind, I do not hold the copyright to these images.  I'm a google images search hound.  I do not claim that these images are of my own creation and will give credit where I can.

It feels good to be back!
Why was the Restoration necessary?

Why do we need the Book of Mormon?

How was the priesthood restored?

What was Joseph Smith's role in the Restoration?

Why is the First Vision important?


General Conference October 2012

I know I have been MIA for quite a while.  We moved into a new home and I was put into cub scouts so Young Womens hasn't exactly been on the brain as of late.  Oh, and my computer died which has all my designing software on it.  Isn't that just what we are all hoping for in our lives?  I do plan on continuing the blog (even though I am not in young womens) once I get my new computer (I am getting so excited I can hardly stand it!).  But, I was over at my parents watching conference this past weekend and did a little designing while I watched.  I plan to have more added to the series, but this is a start at least right?  Thanks for coming!


On Hold

So, I know I have been MIA. Again. We are in the process of buying a house (yay!) which is c-razy busy, c-razy stressful, c-razy scary! Girls Camp is coming quick--only 4 weeks to go! And, then, I'm not laurel advisor anymore :( But at least I'm first counselor, which is still pretty great! I get to enjoy this ward for another 8 weeks, and then it will be time to move on. Wow, that is the first time I have said that and it makes me sad. But with that said, and with all that is on my plate right now, I am having to put the blog on hold until things settle down a little bit. I am sorry. I started this to "help a sister out" and here I am bailing. I will do my best to get back as soon as I can. Until then...


Many Apologies

Sorry for the hiatus. Between a frantic house hunt, a sick baby, and our girls camp fundraiser, I have been spread a little thin. Since I didn't have to teach the past 2 weeks (5th Sunday and Fast Sunday) I was a little off my game. Sorry about that! If your ward is ahead of the blog, let me know and I will do my best to work ahead for you!



Lesson 15: The Melchizedek Priesthood

click to download

This week's handout is a full 8 1/2 x 11 activity sheet instead of doing this portion of the lesson aloud. I must say, it is one of my favorites so far this year.


Guess What...

Guess who was just called as our ward camp director? That's right, me. Now, if you don't know me well, like really well, you would never know that I don't camp. And I really mean DON'T! My first year at camp, as a 12 year old, I came home every night and went back each morning with a leader. I did suffer through years 2 and 3. I missed my fourth year because I was on a church history tour, but we (all the girls my age in my ward were on the trip with me) did all of our certification in the car on our way to the 4th year hike which I did the following year as well. As soon as I wasn't expected to go to camp, I didn't. No YCL years or anything. That just goes to show how terrified I was to hear that this was the calling in store for me. Not only had I not been to camp, let alone camping, in 15 years, but I have done much to block those experiences out of my mind. Unfortunately, that means that I have little memory of even the spiritual experiences we had, the fun times, the practical jokes, and the activities and crafts we created. So, here I am, in a whole new world, doing my best to create an amazing experience for my girls without really having my own experience to draw from. Along the way I will be posting our projects and ideas here along with handouts to hopefully "help a sister out".

By the way, with no kanoodling at all, I have managed to opt out of staying at camp over night. Oh, the wonders of having an infant. Julia, I am so grateful I have you right now. And every moment. I have a WONDERFUL assistant camp director and an AMAZING young women's president that will hold down the fort until I get there each morning.

Oh...and in Las Vegas, most of the stakes go to Camp Stimpson. So I will be going back to the same camp that I went to as a youth. Hopefully I don't have any horrible flashbacks upon our arrival!!! =)