
Lesson 1: A Daughter of God

As this is the first post on STAND, I wanted it to be amazing. I can't live up to my own hype, but I will do my best. I think it is so important for the girls to see their relationship with their Heavenly Father as they do with their own dad. At least in my life, I have a great, trusting relationship with my dad. I want to find ways to convey that trust, and encourage them to cultivate that trust and communication with their Heavenly Father.

I remember an analogy of a phone call. Imagine calling your dad to ask him a question, and before he has the opportunity to answer, saying goodbye and hanging up the phone. Clearly, we would never do that (unless you don't want to hear the answer, I guess). It is the same way with prayer. If we ask the Lord a question, be patient and listen for the answer. Strive to have your relationship with the Lord be open communication, in both directions.

I have to admit, that when creating handouts with background images, I don't usually hold the copyright to the image. I do a lot of searching on google images to find good backgrounds. I don't know if it is adequate, but when I use someone else's image, I will post my source below the handout. Hope that is enough to keep me out of trouble, at least for now. By posting the link to the source I am not advertising any other website or their message.

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